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Working with Photos
General discussions about photo archives, life hacks and experience sharing
Print option?
Tonfotos accessing cloud pictures
How does Tonfotos work with multiple devices?
Is it safe to delete db.tmp_compaction_space file?
Explain how family license works
How add new locations to application?
Progress time remaining
Facial Recognition
Can I transfer Tonfotos from desktop to laptop?
Find multiple people in 1 photo?
Deleting Duplicates
Coming from Picasa. Should I have started fresh with facial recognition?
Undo 'stop indexing' and autorotation
Question about database location when using an external drive
"Open With" addition
Face confirmation seems endless
Possible to auto confirm a face recognition?
False confirmation
Write the name o fthe person to the jpeh file or meta data?
Manually choose one picture to use as portrait
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