I have been loving Tonfotos speed and accuracy in People mode but there appears to be a bug that frequently displays the full photo instead a thumbnail of the person’s face. The photo can be of a group or even one person but Tonfotos does not zoom in on the face of interest. The full image always seems to contain the person of interest but I am not sure if I should confirm the photo or reject it. Especially when it contains other people. Is there a way to correct for this? Please advise.
Face Display Flaw In People Mode
Donny This sounds like a bug, but I am afraid this is not very frequent one. I don’t think many people actually face it. We will be happy to fix it, but before that, we need to understand how to actually reproduce it. Can you please record a video with your phone demonstrating it and share it to us on the cloud? That at least will give us some hints to what is happening. Please send a link to support@tonfotos.com
Hello Andrey,
Thank you kindly for the prompt reply. So far I haven’t experienced the problem today. However, if/when it happens again I will try to document it with a video or photos. In the meantime, do you recommend I reject or accept the suggested photos?
Well Andrey, it continues to happen but, for context, please allow me to describe in more detail what I am experiencing. And please don’t take this as criticism, just feedback that might be useful to you. I have already tried almost all the other facial recognition programs out there and yours is the best I have found so far. I have a couple of subjects I like to use to evaluate the accuracy. My brothers are identical twins and most people cannot tell them apart. TF seems to recognize and differentiate most of the time. My daughter-in-law has a sister who looks almost exactly like her, fooling every other program I’ve tried but TF has never mistaken the two.
With regard to the issue at hand, I have noted that the algorithm seems to self correct as it continues to process the incoming data. So, I have observed in many cases that the phenomenon will go away over time. And, when full images instead of a single face are displayed, they seem to always contain the correct individual. The reason why I asked if I should reject or accept the image was my fear that it might use a different individual’s face. However, in most cases, it isn’t even a Suggested image with the ? mark. It has already been selected by the algorithm so I just leave it alone. And, as I mentioned, the program seems to eventually resolve it on its own.
Also, I have observed a similar behavior with faces in an album that are not correct. The program seems to be continuously reviewing those images and eventually removes them from the album also. I hope this helps a little.
I have included a couple of sample screen captures with this message but apparently my phone images/videos were too large to upload.
As I said, in my quest for the most accurate tool to organize my faces, yours has proven the best so far. I am very impressed!
Thank you very much for your kind words!
Donny Also, I have observed a similar behavior with faces in an album that are not correct. The program seems to be continuously reviewing those images and eventually removes them from the album also.
This all sound strange. This is not what program is supposed to do. There seem to be some bug, but it is really hard to nail down what is really happeing so far.
There is a feature in Tonfotos that allows you adding image to a personal album even when there is no face of that person, or at least it was not identified. If image is assigned this way it would be displayed as image, not as face in the personal album, just like on the screenshot. However, program will never assign those files just by itself, ony user can do that. It is easy to distinguish which way the image is associated with the person (by face or just as file) in the File info pane. Please read more here: https://community.tonfotos.com/d/553-version-1110-adding-arbitrary-files-to-a-personal-album
Can you please check if those images in question are associated with the person as face or as file?
Yes, I did check and the answer is only in some. However, I believe many have been auto-tagged by other software that might be causing this but it is hard to check each one Since my last message I have also encountered the facial recog placing large numbers (>50) of suggested images into a persons album that have no people in them at all. They were literally photos of a black sky with one or two stars visible. As before, they appear to resolve on their own over a long period of time but it is sometimes annoying to deal with.
Donny As before, they appear to resolve on their own over a long period of time but it is sometimes annoying to deal with.
Are we talking about suggestions here? Yes, suggestions get recalculated from time to time, so this may explain what you experience. But again, suggestions could only be for faces, not for files
Yes, they are suggestions. However, there are no faces, people or animals in the photos. A black background with a couple of bright spots or stars, nothing resembling a face.