cdbm1967 Sorry If my willingness to keep open dialog shocks you 🙂 As you probably noticed, Tonfotos UI is very simple yet powerfull. This is not a concindence, this is result of hard work and thoughful approach. Ofcourse there are multiple ways to do stuff, but most of them we will never consider since they are not up to our standards of simplicity.
If you are asking for some feature there is good chance that you already used it somewhere, and that design can be good source of inspiration. As I said, I don’t have any elegant ideas how to implement it, that is why I asked if you might have ideas.
By the way checkbox approach is quite obvoius one, but it is not going to work. I will not go into detials explaining all the usability issues with it, but there are many. As to separate dialog with search funtion - this idea is already on the table, but adding there mulitple selection option again can potentially make too complicated, so there is something to think about.
Anyway, sorry if my question caught you off guard. And thank you for sharing your thoughts.