Hey all,

I am wondering if there is a way to auto confirm a face? I have confirmed over 100 photos of a person, when new photos added, this person still comes up with a need to confirm. Is it possible to auto confirm these assuming the match is lets say 70% matched, or something along those lines?
Having to confirm dozens of people in 1000’s of photos all the time can be tedious and kind of take away the whole purpose of face recognition?

Thanks and have a great day!

    Rob That is popular idea and was discussed here multiple times already. Long story short: this is not very good idea. There has to be quality control by human, otherwise things will go downhill pretty fast. First versions of Tonfotos actually had automatic confirmation for very confident matches, but we had to disable that since it still were making mistakes, even though not that often. And when it did, it was real pain trying to find and fix.

    • Rob replied to this.

      Rob, are the name suggestions almost all correct? Are you confirming in batches or one by one? If you have a series of correct name suggestions you can select the first photo with the question mark in yellow circle, hold shift and select the last photo in the series and press SHIFT-ENTER to confirm in one step. I do that from the keyboard, I don’t use the mouse that much. Or right click the mouse and click Confirm. I find that work flow is pretty fast.


        Hey Tony, yes I am doing the shift and clicking 1st photo and the last, was just wondering if there was a more robust way or if lets say a match is 95% positive then mark as the person. lol maybe some fancy AI stuff can do it, haha

        Thanks and have a great day!

        Andrey I understand Andrey, thanks for your reply.

        2 months later

        New user here. Tonfotos just scanned in 70+K of my home photos and videos - took a while especially for the videos. I only had to kill the process and restart it twice. So far I think it works really well and I like it a lot.

        Now I have been in the process of confirming faces for a couple of hours, would definitely love to see auto confirm feature. I understand every user case is different and mine might be unique. But I suspect at this point any new user of tonfotos would already have an extensive library and not starting from scratch.

        Here are some my suggestions

        1. Give user the choice to enable auto confirm - the first 10-20 batches mis-identified a few, but now it is pretty much 100%. Auto-confirm would be nice and it will save me a lot of time. 5. After the initial training with a few batches, I prefer to have a choice to have the rest auto-confirmed. I will accept 99 accuracy and don’t mind waiting another 24 hrs to have the results.

        2. I noticed photos in same series appears in different “need to be confirmed” batches. If one of the photos is confirmed in a series of 10 very similar baby photos - same background, lighting, camera, took seconds apart, IMHO then the SW should confidently auto-confirm the rest in the same series.

        3. If nothing else, I would like to see adjustable confirm batch size, allow user to change default of 100 to at least 1000 in my case.

        4. It seems the SW stop to scan faces while there are (3?) batches waiting to be confirmed? I think it should continue to scan to save time.

          mt2025 Thank you for sharing your ideas. I’m afriad, as I wrote above, things are far more complicate for simple solutions like that to work. Even if it would work for some users, the amount of dissatisfaction that would come from other users would just ruin whole idea, and bring user satisfaction level to the floor.

          Nevertheless, I am sure there are still some room for improvement of efficiency of the current proces, specifically in the area you descibed - more automation for the first stages of markup. We definitely need to put some more thoughts into that.

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