ndfan77 Interesting, thank you for pointing this out.
Sorry for being that person, but I would still like to comment few points here:
- This is not actually IPTC, this is still XMP (even though it refers to IPTC for some reason in XMPtag name)
- Again, this is just person name, it has no face coordinates. As your last link shows, PhotoPrism will add it to Subject (which is most likely equivalent of Tag in Tonfotos), not to person field.
With that said, I dont thik I personally encountered photos were people would be marked like that. And if we are going to write people information to XMP, why would use this field instead of traditional faces markup that iPhone and lot of other software is using? It not only contains name, it also contains face region, which is definitley much better option.
Anyway, as I think I said before, saving people data into XMP metadata is in our roadmap already, so please stay tuned.