Andrey Re: how many people are still printing pictures. Years ago I used to make prints for elderly relatives. However, these days I might print just one or two pictures a year. And not at home but upload to our local convenience store to print on photographic paper. And the store’s online software has tools for colour correction and cropping. While printing or exporting was handy in Picasa, it’s not something I miss in TonFotos.
TimTheJedi If you already have other apps for printing photos, a right click on a photo in TonFotos brings up the menu with “Open with”. Can you edit and print from the software that comes with your printer or do your editing, cropping and printing with an on-line service? Granted, Picasa had those tools too and colour correction was handy touching up skin tones before posting a picture. These days cellphone cameras are really good at colour correction and other than cropping I rarely edit my photos before sharing these days.