Tony Thank you very much for detailed comparison and review!
I suggest you to wait for scanning to finish before making final conclusions about Tonfotos performance. Initial scan is very laborous process and if your PC in on the weaker side it may be not very comfortable to activaly using application during scan, but when it is finished, it will become much more responsive. The most important factor here is not your RAM, but your HDD speed, since it does a lot of work with its DB.
Only albums and people are imported from Picasa currently. Is there anything else to import?
As to grouping by dates, did you try Events tab? This is exactly its function. You can’t change sort order though.
Tony Captions like in Picasa and always visible (without needing to hover over photo)
Photo captions are always visible. Do you mean people names? I am sure not everyone will agree.
Tony Option to have filenames always visible (without having to hover over photo to see it).
That is design choice. Interface looks much better when those are not always visible.
Tony some file management tools like select series of photos and rename with auto numbering, e.g., “dinner party -1”, “dinner party - 2” etc.
Interestingly enough, we don’t get requests like that very often. Looks like that not that many people need that.
Tony Ability to change width of folder list on left side of TonFotos screen to accommodate long folder names
It is there, hover your mouse over “Photos” title and you will see it.