Because, I thought I had inadequate storage space on my local C:\ Drive, I ended up moving all of my pictures to an external hard drive (D:\Pictures). The size of my archive is appoximately 500 GB with about 90,000 photos. It took Tonfotos many days to index this amount of data (There are a lot of videos in the data). Many of the photos were downloaded from iCloud (Pics from my cell phone and wife’s cell phone). There were a LOT of duplicate data in this iCloud download. After cleaning up that data and eliminating duplicates, it turns our that I now have a more than adequate amount of storage space on my local C:\ drive for my pictures. I am contemplating moving my picture archive from the D:\ drive back to the C:\ drive. What is the most “painless” way to accomplish this? I know you can move files with Ctrl + M and retain facial recognition data but I don’t think you can do that with entire folders like my entire Picture folder. I hate to think that the entire picture folder would have to be indexed again (many more days). I have went through all 90,000 photos and dealt with every face suggestion and unassigned faces and I certainly don’t want to start over with that task. This new location of my Picture Folder on the C:\Drive will be where I import photos to in the future so I will need face recognition on future imports but not on the data I am moving over from the D:\Drive. Thanks!