All disks are medium/fast m2 disks.
I started to notice the slowness after tagging most of my pictures.
so the lists got longer on every person.
But i still have suggestions coming in.
it is not realy-realy slow. just noticeable.
Interface jerks sometimes when i confirm names, or right click to enter person name on images.
then sometimes it is like the ui is locked for a short moment.
So i thought maybe there is a way to optimize the app for better performance on large lists.
Have you checked the DOM-tree size on large lists?
“An optimal DOM tree: Has less than 1500 nodes total. Has a maximum depth of 32 nodes. Has no parent node with more than 60 child nodes.”
Reflows are also costly on large dom-trees.
html is realy bad on long documents.
It is not easy/possible to use the same nodes over again as you scroll. (and avoid jerks in scroll position)
Things you get for free in QT/WPF and some other desktop frameworks.
But i did a quick google search and found this:
Maybe something like that could work?