jclay When you move files together with ini file in the same folder, all face associations will be preserved. So, moving or renaming complete folders is not an issue. The downside is if you move outside of Tonfotos, you will need to wait for program to scan those files again, but when it is done, face associations will be there already.
When moving with Control+M you don’t need to wait. Also, with Control+M you are not constrained with moving whole content folders to make sure no data is lost, you can move individual files and it will handle updating ini files for you.
Also, you should know that there is a function for improt from Smartphone that will structure all files to folders like YEAR/DATE for you. Also, there is very similar funciton but for folders: https://community.tonfotos.com/d/175-version-143-simplification-of-copying-files-to-archive I guess you can simplify your task a lot just by using those. Later you may add more meaningful names to those date folders, but with Tonfotos you probably don’t even need that, since you can navigate easily anyway, using maps, people, date and so on.