selwyn This is not a bug. Tonfotos imports data from Picasa during indexing. It reads picasa.ini files, but it is quite common for those files to containg incorrect information. It may have several people with same names but different ID’s. Why is that - i don’t know, but this is quite typical.
Tonfotos can’t decide for you which of those duplicates are just duplicates, and which are just different people with the name “John”, that is why it is required for you to manually inspect each one when merging. This is lesser evel compared to situation when applicaiton would merge two people who are actually different people. It would be much more difficult to get out from that situation for sure.
selwyn When I click on the second (or third) one, it incorrectly displays photos for someone else.
This is because those names are empty (no faces there). Most likely you have already assigned those faces to other person. In normal conditions you would not have empty names (you can’t just add a name without adding a face), that is why this is not a big deal.