joepho First of all, please don’t be afraid, you won’t lose your work. Tonfotos not only keeps data about people in its internal database, but also stores it in .ini-files next to images. You can read more about it here:
Based on the symptoms, it is very likely that database crashed. That is first time someone reported about that on Mac, but there were few cases on Windows.
To be 100% sure, you may want to start tonfotos from the terminal and check the output. However, most likely that is the case anyway. Sorry that this happened. Were there any crashes of Mac or Tonfotos that might be the reason?
If database is crashed, then the only way to bring application to life is to delete database. On Mac it is located in ~/Library/Application Support/tonfotos
, the file name is db
. Just delete it, and proram will start normally, but it will start scanning all your images from the scratch. As I said, face - people associations will be restored automatically. Same with tags. The only thing might be missing is albums.