In the latest version face recognition happens right during the first scan. So if your photo is already in the library, that means that all faces have beed recognised already. You can see that by opening File Information pane - you will see that there are faces identified on the photo.
However, faces clusterization is separate process. Tonfotos starts by offering you for confirmation just a small amount of most confident matches, giving you opportunity to confirm or reject so AI can learn. This learning is essential for improving accuracy of people detection on the photos. That is why, Tonfotos offers every time just a small group of faces for confirmation. This way it can always learn and come up with reasonable suggestions again and again. That is why in most cases you can just confirm, as those suggestions make sense. Without this learning quality of suggestions would be much worse.
That is why, it takes time and some effort to tag all people you want to be tagged. It cannot just happen automatically, as AI is not that smart, unfortunately, and requires your input.