The version is already available for download on Windows, Linux and macOS. If automatic updates are enabled, the update will be installed automatically on Windows and macOS.
Groups of people
If you are very scrupulous about marking people in photographs in your photo archive, then pretty soon there will be quite a lot of people in the library, and navigating through them becomes almost no easier than in contacts on a smartphone.
However, with the new Groups feature it will become much easier. You can assign each person to the appropriate group, such as “Work”, “Relatives”, “Children’s classmates” and so on. At the same time, it is completely acceptable for a person to be in several groups at once. Now you don’t need to look through the entire huge list, you can find the right person in the appropriate group much faster.
In order to assign a group to a person, you need to call up the context menu by right-clicking on the person in the list on the left, and select “Add to…”, very similar to how you add photos to albums.
Quickly search for new face offers
Looking for people in the list for whom the program suggested new faces for confirmation was not always convenient already, but with the advent of Groups this may become challenging, since many groups will simply be minimized and its content not visible.
Now we introduce a new way to indicate that there are new proposals to confirm, and quickly move to these proposals. Now, when there is at least one person with suggestions, familiar icon appears in the status line at the bottom left, and if you click on it, or press Control+N on the keyboard (Cmd+N on Mac OS), you will immediately move to the next person, for which there are proposals.