Andrey yup that’s what I’ve been doing for a few days now 😉. I am quite impressed by the facial recognition, way more solid than Digikam’s one.

    scedric I am quite impressed by the facial recognition, way more solid than Digikam’s one.

    Great to hear that 🙂

    scedric I wish there was one also to confirm multiple picture as well.

    Can then please clarify what exactly you mean by that if you are aware about existing feature? Something like “approve all” button like Picasa had?

      Andrey Yes that’s exactly the feature I had in mind. In Digikam it’s the same process to validate one or multiple picture: select the batch and click the approve button.
      Sidenote: since it’s easy to approve a wrong picture by mistake when batch approving, a kind of undo would be a nice plus.

      This feature is amazing! Really excited to use it.

      Is there somewhere we can see list for the future features you are planning to add? Like a Trello?

        scedric well, the closest to that is probably this forum, if we only take into account English-speaking resources. You can see all requests and see which ones are closed already, which are not. You can also see my comments, and how many people are voting for which one. That has direct influence on the roadmap.

        Well, ideally, I would have community manager to better communicate internal roadmap in nice readable format, but I can’t afford one, sorry. Opening up internal issue tracker for public is not an option at all.

        I did not have an public issue tracker in mind, for that you could have the project on Github.
        A general roadmap of what you plan for TF would be nice, like a Trello. But I as you wrote, the Bug Tracker and Feature Requests are a bit like that already.

          scedric I totally get what you mean. Transferring internal project info space to something suitable for public demonstration is an effort. Let’s just start by saying that English in not my native language, so all my planning is not in English. At my previous jobs I would typically assign this on product marketing, or even have a dedicated person for what I am doing here myself now - “community management”. I do hope this project will grow some day to the stage when all that will be in place. But right now I more like one man band with few contractors on per-task basis. However, it does not mean I am not having fun doing all that 😀 I am feeling so much better than I did at my last corporate job 😆

          I totally understand and I am glad you are having fun because it makes TF great and it evolves nicely.

          7 months later

          Great feature, can you add grandchildren please

            KevinG basically you already can do that by adding children and then their children. They will not be shown on the persons card though, but showing all second tier relatives would be an issue, since there could be too many of them. And flat list is probably not appropriate view for it, something like genealogy tree would do better. But that is totally different feature.

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