I noticed I started to get all of a sudden java error messages when trying to work with “People” in TonFotos. Please, see included image. I am on the latest version, 1.11.14

    Just to add to my comment above. I added a few people without pictures to complete my family tree. This is when the Java errors started to occur. I saw one of the youtube videos mentioning that one can complete a family tree without having the pictures, as a place holder with other information present. Reading the error above the first thing that comes to my mind after “null” reading ID, is precisely that. It tires to read something that does not exist.

    Andrey Just to add to it. This particular error appears to be around a particular person (pet). It has photos so I am not sure why this java error pops up. On top of it, I thought, let me by the bullet and remove it to start over. I cannot remove it either. Is there a way to clean the database, maybe?

      cdbm1967 I would suggest you to refrain from drastic moves so far. Can you please just wait for the next update? I should be available in a week or two.

        Andrey Verion 1.11.5 with the fix is already released. Please let me know if that fixed the issue. It should.

          Andrey I guess, I spoke too soon. So the error no longer shows up when on the “People” tab and when adding faces there. However, when I am in events, and want to add the face to a person/pet, the error shows up again. But only for that particular object. It does not show anywhere else. Please, see attached screenshot.

            10 days later
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