I would like to have an option to filter by file format (JPEG, PNG etc.) in event and album tabs
Necrostruction Thank you for suggestion. Just of curiosity, what problem you are trying to solve with this filter?
I want to export photos of a certain person, the photos are in JPG, PNG and even some gifs. I want to export only JPG and PNG photos. Since export only allows photos from one file format for now. I will do 2 exports - with 2 filters.
Hope this helps!
Necrostruction Since export only allows photos from one file format for now.
I am not sure what you mean by that. You can export from pretty much all supported formats at the same time. They will be converted to the format you chose.
I don’t want to convert the photos, I want to export all photos of the person, if there are PNG they should stay PNG and if they are JPG they should stay that way
Necrostruction Ah, then this is wrong function for you. You don’t need export in this case, just copy files. Select all photos with Control+A, then Control+C, go to Windows Explorer, create new folder and do Control+V. That’s it.
I see, and what to do in case I want to copy all JPG and PNG files, but not gifs. Can I filter to exclude them?
Necrostruction I’m afraid not. But you can delete all gifs in exlporer once you copied files. Just sort by file type.