For example, in screenshot 1 the folder name of each album is, respectively:
"Film/2023/Kodak Ektachrome 100D 5294 October 2023 Nikon AF600"
"Film/2023/Kodak Vision3 500T 5219 December 2023 Canon EOS 1V"
"Film/2023/Kodak Vision3 250D 5207 December 2023 Canon EOS 1V"
"Film/2023/Kodak Vision3 500T 5219 Novermber 2023 Nikon F3"
"Film/2023/Kodak Vision3 500T 5219 August 2023 Canon EOS 1V"
in screenshot 2:
"Film/2024/Kodak 'Aurora' 800 in 2000 Canon EOS 1V 2411"
"Film/2024/3M Ferrania Forensics Film 2000 Contax G1 2405"
"Film/2024/3M Ferrania Forensics Film 2000 Canon EOS 1V - Canon EOS 1N 2408"
"Film/2024/Kodak 400TX 1998 Contax N1 2408"
"Film/2024/Kodak 400TX 1998 Contax G2 2406"
OK I begin to find the pattern: the files labeled 2038 are because the film formular 5294
, 5219
, 5207
are identified as the year (even though they are not treated as such in other folders); the files labeled as 1998, 2000 or 2010 are because the folders have the name 2010, 2006, 1998 (which are the film stock’s presumed year of production) or in the case of 2000, ISO treated as year.
I guess I’ll update the folder names to avoid being wrongly identifed. Maybe this can be your test cases if you decide to update the function, or make identifying date through folder names optional.
Thanks and happy new year!