fnishimori Obviously program cannot write ini files to read-only drive. That is why face information is stored only in Tonfotos internal database. That is why other copies of the application will not be able to access this information and will be totally unaware about the markup work you have already done. Also, if something happens to your local Tonfotos database, this work will get completely lost.
Actually, marking faces is only portion of the work that needs to be done when tidying up your archive. You also need to move files between folders, adjust incorrect dates, add GPS locations, comments, and also delete duplicates. All that is not possible without write access.
That is why recommended approach is not just to disable any write-access. Instead I would recommend open it for writing, but at the same time setup a regular backup with versioning. Most likely your NAS already has software for that.
Actually, even with write protection, you still have to keep a backup. Yes, write protection can save you from human errors, but will not keep you safe from hardware malfunction, and you may end up losing all you files if there is only one copy.