I just installed Tonfotos. I have most of my photos in the cloud (OneDrive), with perhaps 10% on the disk. I understood from the description that the software could access the photos in the cloud:
"You decide where to store your photos
No vendor lock to a specific cloud service, no monthly fees, no matter how many photos you have - even a few terabytes. You are free to decide where and how to store your archive - in the cloud, in folders on your computer, on an external hard drive, or a little bit of everything. With Tonfotos you will always quickly find the pictures you need, wherever they are."
“in the cloud”, it says. But I feel that it only scans the photos I have locally. Is that true? If so, then it is useless for me, as I am looking for a software that can show me what I have in my OneDrive folder, irrespective of whether the photos are by chance on the disk or still in the cloud