Anthon Thank you very much for good words about our software! We would really appreciate if you could also share your opinition on Trustpilot. That would help other potential users to make up thier mind.
Tonfotos can only deal with 100% identical duplicates. This is intentional, since cleaning up those could be automated, and Tonfotos great tools to get rid of those, such as by selecting all files in the folder and chosing “remove all duplicates of selected files” in context menu. It will keep selected files, but remove all duplicates elsewhere.
However, almost identical files are slightly more complicated stuff and requires special programs to deal with, since you need to control what excatly should be considered duplicate and what not, and visually verify each match to make sure there are no mistakes. We intentially don’t add this funtioncality into the Tonfotos in order to not overcomplicate things. However, there are plenty other aplications that are didicated to this paricular function, and some of them are free. Here we keep up-to-date inventory: