leonardoa Thank you for sharing logs. Here’s the interesting part:
+0ms | on_add_face_at_location: Error detecting faces: [Error: (dlib::catch) Error while calling cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&num_blocks,&num_threads,K) in file G:\Programming\tonfotos\src\native\faces\dlib\cuda\cuda_utils.h:186. code: 98, reason: invalid device function] E:\My Media\My Pictures\Family album\2023\2023-12 Chamonix\2023-12-26 Chamonix\IMG_iP15PM_2175.JPG
+3ms | Error
at _e (C:\Users\leona\AppData\Local\tonfotos\app-1.7.4\resources\app\.webpack\main\index.js:2:382387)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\leona\AppData\Local\tonfotos\app-1.7.4\resources\app\.webpack\main\index.js:2:2864156)
There is something wrong with CUDA compatibility on your device. How many GPU’s do you have? What are the models?
The simple workarround would be just to remove Tonfotos CUDA plugin to get back to CPU processing. However, if you can share any details about your setup, that would be very useful information for me.