leonardoa while sequence you listed is 100% correct, it does not mean the one I provided is not correct. Yes, you are right, first you need to initiate selection mode, and I forgot about that in my post, sorry for that. However, mouse click is not the only method to do that. You can press cursor keys like Down or Right to do the same. So, revised version is:
- Press Down to switch to selection mode. First image in the group will be selected
- Press Control+A. Everything in the group will be selected
- Press Shift+Enter. All suggestions will be approved, and it will have no effect on already approved faces.
Yes, this is not just one button click, but is still much easier that what you are doing right now, it will require minimum mouse movements, and no group selection.
As to your initial suggestion, I do not discard it. This is an open topic still. Quite often I get request like yours, but I also see lot of suffering from people who do mistakes and approve wrong faces. I do not have final decision on that topic yet.