I bought this program recently. The interface is easy and it’s refreshing to see a developer do it the way it’s done.
The main use of this program is facial recognition. So anything that makes this task better should be the goal.
Just like Google photos which currently is the best online app for this, it would be immensely useful to have all untagged faces from all pictures show up under “People” tab. Then, one can assign names to them accordingly.
Currently in Tonfoto, one has to tag a face in a random picture first, then the program will try to find that face in other pictures. This is fine for a few faces or when one does not have a large number of pictures. However, this leaves a lot to be desired. For example, if I need to find a photo of an old friend, I have to go through thousands of potential pictures where I may or may not find the friend. This is tedious and rather defeats the purpose.
I hope this feature is added to this great program.